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Belief in God(s)

I once wrote on it on my tumblr page, but I’ll discourse my views again.  If you want to, you can read the old post here.

I do not believe in God(s), at least not in the sense they are represented by the mythos of all the cultures.  Their mythos was their way of trying to explain the casual world.  I cannot accept God(s) almost like us, should they not as God(s) be different if not, better versions of I guess, human beings, or another race?  From the Bible to every tale I have found of God(s), they may be pretty much immortal, but they are childish, immature, and fickle in every way.  Maybe it is because when I think of God(s) I think of perfection when it comes to God(s).  If they could live for so long, cannot they not overcome such petty jealousies? It is why I have struggled with any idea the God(s) are real.

The closest I can to believing God(s) exist that we ourselves are “demi-Gods.”  To a point we can control our lives and choose our “destiny.”  Destiny/fate does not exist except that as the manifestation of of our actions as consequences. We may not see these manifestations or understand the pattern it has formed to create it.  I can choose to step in front of the car driving down the street and I can choose not to, thus through choice we create our destiny. However, Nature is beyond our control.  There are forces out there that can impact our lives and thus changing it, like a sudden tornado appearing and ripping apart a home.  Life is full of random circumstances but I believe that when we focus our Will into the Universe we can make changes.

Maybe I am wrong.  I am always open for changing how I feel about this issue.  I know I struggle with “faith” because I try and see everything so logically.  If God is all power why does he/she/it not do….?  I cannot believe that God is my protector in any form.  There are billions of people upon the planet, why should he care for one person? No matter how extremely intelligent and all-powerful some God he may be. I cannot reason with the existence of the Christian God.  I appreciate the religion in what it tries to teach but to few follow the teaching as they should.  For those who do, I honor at least, the truth you have found in your spirit.