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Success is what you make of the bar itself. How high you put the goal. Yet in building for that Major Goal, you have Minor Goals. Minor goals is still success. The question is how high the bar was for itself. The second would be is it major or minor? Third, does it even matter about the success?

Well say if you set the bar at completing 50 push-ups…then what? 100 push-ups? If you set the goal for loosing 10lbs as a small goal, then if it is healthy choose to loose so-many pounds. Then your goal is to focus on maintaining the weight and healthy light style.I never ever mean to imply in any way that the bar is the end goal. Dare I not say there is Minor Goals and Major Goals? We can set a very very large goal, say if a man is 400 lbs and he wants to make 200lbs, that seems a rather daunting task. Generally most people feel exasperated and give up. So you make Minor Goals, I will start walking for X minutes a day. I will start to do this, not eating 10 meals a day, but 8. There are Minor Goals, minor bars in reaching for the next goal. Then once you reach that “plateau” if you will, that is never the end of struggle. The only end of all struggle is once the threshold of death arrives upon us.

I have to argue against the eternal every going staircase or mountain. The staircase works, but life is more like a valley of hills. Our struggles are uphill and downhill, sometimes rough, sometimes easy. The environment quickly changes. There are times of harsh conditions, times of gentle conditions.