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Live Fearless

So in response to Boston which is an hour away from me and the people’s around with their reactions here is mine to it all…

I’m not scared, I’m not freaking out. Terror, bombings, it doesn’t make me scared. Why should it? If it makes me scared it means they already won, hence their name “terrorists.” They are there to inspire fear and well fear, it makes you stop living. Everyone seemed to be cowering and it shows how defeated they are.

You can’t stop death. You can take precautions, but how much are you willing to let every precaution you can take, interfere with your life? You are more likely to die of a car accident or probably a house fire than a bombing. Hell I think police violence is more likely to happen to you than a bombing. But are you going to really let fear of bombings and gunnings scare you from really living? People don’t seem to really think of how close to death they can come to dying from a car accident. I’ve had several friends and classmates already dead from cancer and car accidents. Hell, I’ve almost died already due to illness and a car accident.

The fact is, if it happens, it happens. It doesn’t mean live reckless or think you are immortal. Take precautions, always remind people you love them or whatever, and do your best to live, to simply live without regret. Regret will happen, but don’t let all those fears become your guardians that cage you into place.

Stay strong, stay fearless, and live life vivaciously.