Propoganda & Art of Persuasion

I like how in Education for Death it goes, “He sees nothing what the party doesn’t want to say. He says what the party wants him to say. He does nothing but what the party wants him to do.”

Thanks to Justin, he got me watching all these old WW2 propaganda stuff. Well he started me off so now I am sitting back and giggling watching the WW2 prop produced by Disney.

It’s easy to quickly fall into them versus us. We do it often enough in our lives. You aren’t my family. You aren’t my friends. You aren’t American. You aren’t (insert here). Hell, I know I do it too, I just pass judgement on people you aren’t (insert) so I want nothing to do with you. You are a druggie, a thief, a raging alcoholic, abusive, stupid, drama queen, two-faced, liar, etc. I pick prima quality people and if you are not prima quality, I just don’t like you, period. Oh right, I know people like that. But it stands for reason behind it, it is why we have laws in society of don’t steal, don’t murder, etc.

Propaganda has many forms, being hilarious, being forced-fed, or putting on a face. It is there to incite us in some form, to take that action, to take a stance. The other day while driving there was some people set up on the side walk with “Impeach Obama” going on. My mother wanted to stop to get it, because she buys into Alex Jones. Even that little sign is propaganda. All those ads that are slander and positive too, that is propaganda. Our daily news is propaganda. The other day I saw articles on different news media, they tailored the image to suit their needs. One was pro-american and the other was con-american. The image was someone of middle eastern descent, with a gun pointed at his head drinking water. One site focused on the gun part and another on the American given the guy the water. The news presents us a form for us to believe, to help incite them them versus us feeling, to incite the anger, the hate, towards another, and create patriotic (pride) feelings within our own personal group.

Propaganda to me is crap, especially since it never hedges at truth. Yet we all relate it back to the Self. We support this cause, we support this product. We support democracy and not communism. We like this. We like that. It’s a personal opinion, a personal choice to what we decide to pro-scribe. We all view the world but we do not all have the same view. If you ever had to do a still life study within an art class, everyone around the room gets a different view of what you are all drawing, so lighting and placement will all be different. We all have different views of the same subject.

The only difference is that some of us are willing and others are just creators. We want you to believe what I stand for, for this cause, this object. We want you to want this. Propaganda, advertising, it is all the art of persuasion.

About asopo339

I am someone, a random face, one in many billion. I am a paradox, trying to see the patterns. This is me, a warrior, who’s only liberation is through myself.

Posted on January 7, 2013, in Des'tai, Personal, Scribble, Society and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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